Searching For a Routine
Call it slacking. I just like to call it a “writers block”. In this one I am going to focus more on activities rather than my emotions. Then again, that was supposed to happen last time….I think I am finally settled here, now it is time to finally expand and create more of a life. My dad told me something very symbolic today, “I’ve found that out of the ten chances one can take only one will fail.” I guess that is the idea that I have tried to apply recently.
I play basketball now……I’m awful at basketball. It is just that everyone in India is so very short and not very good at basketball either. So, I’m not half bad anymore. I practice three times a week, which is still not enough considering how much my parents make me eat. I also get to ride a rickshaw independently, which is probably the most adventurous I have done so far. (I’ve only gotten lost ONCE. Go me!) The team is great, and it is nice to finally get some exercise.
This next section was probably the highlight of my stay here so far. As I stated before, one of the hardest parts about accepting this scholarship was the idea of being away from musical opportunities for this long of a time. Come to find out the local temple, in walking distance, has a music school. They have a beautiful upright piano and practice rooms. I am now a sitar student and take lessons two times a week. (Sitar is easy, except for the fact that you must sit in a yoga position while playing.) They are also giving me time to practice on the piano when ever I wish. I guess some things have a way of working themselves out. I don’t think I believe in God, but life does do some coincidental things sometimes.
I have realized that I have never introduced my other AFS students that are with me in school. First Madison, from Vermont, who always provides a refreshing sense of America. Saamel from Switzerland, who’s company I utterly enjoy. We have become good friends throughout even the small time we have been here. Rama, from Indonesia, who provides perspectives that not many Americans ever get to experience. I have realized that even though I am on an exchange in India, this program is about building a global perspective, and I believe my fellow AFS students have helped me drastically to do this so far. I am forever grateful for this family.
This week I also visited a step well. I can’t describe it much except that it was beautiful. Pictures below. The 15th was also Indian Independence Day. In school we celebrated with a military style march and festivities. The amount of nationalism here is unknown to a critical westerner like me. I would have loved to get pictures, but phones are not allowed at school.
Here we go, I made it four(ish) paragraphs with no emotions. I had my first real homesickness yesterday. It’s been almost fifty days…. not bad for a fragile person like me. (LOL) With everybody in the U.S. getting their schedules for school and Indian Independence Day… I began to miss things. The funny thing is I hate fourth of July. I am also worrying a lot about my education here, even though I know I shouldn’t be. If I’m honest with myself, I am worried about my GPA and class transfers, even though in my heart I know I shouldn’t be as it has no real impact on my life goals. I am working on it. As the great teacher KC once taught us, class rank is a disease. Although I know it is true, I have yet to process that the real essence of education comes from places and people, not by GPA and class levels. Just trying to self-reflect a little bit.
I think I covered everything…. Also, a note from a good friend at Anand Niketan. “Write About me and how nice I am to you and how you’re so grateful to have met me.” (How humble.)They could not describe it any better. I am extremely lucky for all of my friends in my new home. See you all next “Sunday”.
My Inner Biologist
It was only good pizza because I hadn't had pizza.....
Trying to be artsy
A little reminder....Be grateful
It was supposed to be smiling....
Just a good one.
The place where I belong,
Exotic Phen
The step well
The Step Well prt 2