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YES Abroad- Youth Exchange and Sleeping

Seriously though, how much does one human need to sleep. A three-hour nap everyday seems a little excessive right? It is not even like I sleep just because I am bored, but I am genuinely tired, and I have no explanation for it.

First of all, I would like to laud all of you on your wonderful questions. (Haha good joke Max!) I received two whole questions. Thank you to my new FAVORITE readers for asking. Mom, I know you read this……I expect more. Dad, if you finally figured out how to log on to the computer, then you are also obligated. The question forum will remain open for next week.

Question #1-“If you could name the most surprising difference between the U.S. and Indian Education system, what would it be?”

I’m going to try and talk about something that I haven’t already touched on about in the previous weeks, which is the due dates. In America, due dates are final. In India, I’m not even sure why they give due dates and just don’t say, “Turn in your projects when you can.” There was an economic project due last month. Half of my classmates still haven’t started it. I was supposed to have an economics test last week and it still hasn’t happened. It’s horrible because it gives me a very good excuse to procrastinate.

Question #2- “What is one thing (tangible and/or intangible) from your home culture that you would want to bring to your host culture and one thing from your host culture want to bring back home?”We, especially as North Easterners, take such advantage of our environment and our wonderful climate. If I could bring one thing to my host culture it would be the environment from Connecticut. Maybe it's just my science nerd, but I miss TREES. (Sometimes I can’t believe the things exchange makes me say.) We need to learn how to protect our environment because the people of Ahmedabad haven’t, and believe me, there are major consequences.

First, the American beverage game is weak. I would bring enough tea back for the whole country if I could. (I’m going to try.) I have about three cups a day, which is probably awful for my health………oh well. We boil tea in a pot, the old way. America you are all being lied to, you have boil the milk too. There are probably better answers to this question, but this is what came out because I just had tea.

In other news, I just celebrated Janmashtami, which is a celebration of Krishna’s birthday. (Like Hindu Christmas!) Not much was done for celebration. We fasted and abstained from eating the normal grains, which was an…..experience. At midnight we went to the temple to give blessings. There was also a little ceremony at the society we live in. Some dancing, some food, and some celebration where the kids break a piñata, except the piñata is a coconut and the candy is white butter. (Don’t ask me for the history of this one. I wish I knew.)

In some more exciting and random news, my international basketball career has already started. I played on our school team in a regional tournament and the surprising news is I actually played….wait for it……and somehow scored a point. Only one point, not two. It was a foul shot. (For any, that know me well, I am atrocious at basketball.) I am starting to play soccer with the school as well. The team came second in the tournament, I got a nice souvenir.

I’ve come to another realization. Even if my exchange here teaches me nothing about culture or India (It obviously has. It’s a hypothetical), it has already taught me to appreciate the aspects that I have in America. I miss a lot of small things, like good candy, and baby carrots, and cheese. Also some bigger ones, my friends, my dogs, my parents. I usually am not one to show my appreciation because I find it very hard to voice and express how I feel. However, exchange has taught me that it is important to tell someone you love them every once and a while.

On that note, Happy Two Months!

Love, Max.

The Regional Basketball Tourney.

Janhamsthi celebration #1

It is real metal too....

One year ago on September first. Brought some feelings

Indian Education Propoganda

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